Sunday, March 17, 2013

St. Patrick's Day

     St. Patrick’s Day is celebrated each year on March 17, the anniversary of the Saint’s death approximately 460 AD. St. Patrick’s day occurs during the Catholic tradition of Lent. Meat is traditionally not eaten during Lent, but on St. Patrick’s Day people were allowed to celebrate with a meal of Irish bacon and cabbage.

     The holiday was brought to America with Irish immigration during the 19th and 20th centuries. Today we celebrate with parades, parties, and cabbage and corned beef.

     So who was St. Patrick? 

     St. Patrick is the patron saint of Ireland. He was born in Britain, and taken prisoner by Irish raiders attacking his family home. During captivity he worked as a shepherd. It was during this time that he became a devout Christian, having turned to his religion for comfort.

     His religion was different from the Irish tradition, which practiced a pagan religion. He is said to have developed the dream of converting the Irish during this time.

     After six years St. Patrick escaped to Britain and eventually became a priest. He was sent back to Ireland as a missionary to minister to the Christians already in Ireland, and to convert those not yet Christians.

     St. Patrick was successful in his mission in Ireland. He was loved and respected by the Irish people, who have made him the patron saint of their country. The anniversary of his death has been honored in Ireland for over 1000 years. 

How do you celebrate St. Patrick's Day?



  1. We end up not doing much on this St. Patrick's day.
    It went as a regular Sunday for us.

  2. I was learnt that on St. Patrick's Day you are supposed to wear something green in order not to get pinched!

  3. Thank you Yelena and Agnes. :-)

    I forgot about the tradition of wearing green. It doesn't seem like a very good tradition to where green just to get pinched!

    1. I thought that having something green is necessary to avoid getting pinched.

  4. We do not celebrate, in our particular case. All celebrations are pretty and the making of them. Happy Patrick'Day. I hope you have something green for not being pinched.

  5. It was interesting to read St Patrick live , and to know about the Cathedral is an New York City ,one of the biggest in the world .

  6. Sorry ,is one of the largest in U S .I hope everybody had a good St Patrick's Day !!!!!

  7. Thank you Maritza and Carmen... :-)

  8. Every culture and every country has a special day to celebrate. The Irish celebrate St patricks day across the U.S with parades and
    music. There are recognized symbols like leprechauns, shamrocks,fourleaf clovers, and special food. Everyone prefers to wear green so they do not get pinched. The parade is a opportunity to share Irish heritage whether you're Irish or not. Everything turns green! This is not a special day for me but it's enjoyable.

    - Ruth
