Friday, February 1, 2013

The Tradition of Groundhog Day

On February 2nd every year a crowd gathers in Punxsutawney, Pennsylvania. They come to see a groundhog named Punxsutawney Phil predict the weather for the end of winter. If it is sunny when he emerges from his burrow, and he sees his shadow, then there will be six more weeks of winter. If it is cloudy and Phil does not see his shadow, then spring will come early.

This odd tradition began with some of the first settlers in Pennsylvania, who observed a holiday called Candlemas Day. According to this early tradition, if the day was sunny, there would be “two winters” (a long winter). But if Candlemas Day was cloudy, then winter would “fly away” (spring would be early).

A man named Clymer H. Freas is credited with starting the tradition of using a groundhog to predict the weather on February 2nd. He lived in Punxsutawney. A local hunting group, who hunted groundhogs and hosted a picnic after the hunt, inspired him. Since that time we have watched Punxsutawney Phil on February 2nd in the hope that he will predict an early spring!

Sources of Information:


  1. This is a pretty interesting tradition. Kind of funny that we would consider trusting the rodent.

  2. Hello!...I'm Ruth. Is interesting know that araund "the groundhog" made a big celebration.This tradicional festival is part of the history of this country.In this celebracion have intertainment,supertition and use prediction like a meteorogical tool.Using this mascot like most important piece araund this festivity...But it really isn't clear idea to take for a weather forecast.

    1. You're right, Ruth. Puxsutawney Phil has only right about 38% of the time. :-)

  3. Well, according to the weather last Saturday the winter should last six more weeks. However, if we consider the last Saturday's morning the spring is coming! And this is what I prefer.

  4. I think this is a beattiful tradition, because this is a great way for us not to forget our ancestor's traditions and how we apply them to our generations.

  5. Every 2nd of february in pennsylvania they celebrate groundhog DAY as a tradition

  6. It is good to know other people like Mr. Clymer that has a different traition, they want a day to get together to celebrate.

  7. This comment has been removed by the author.

  8. The tradition of Groundhog Day is interesting. I think, he is very cute. I call him weather man.

  9. Kaysone
    On February 2 groundhog named phil pridict the weather for the end of winter

  10. I can not imagine such a small animal can predict more than a person.

  11. I think its a funny story, but this is a good tradition for winter gathering.
