Monday, March 11, 2013

Daylight Saving Time

     Time in the United States changed the morning of Sunday, March 10. At 2am, clocks were moved one hour ahead. This is called Daylight Saving Time. On Sunday morning, November 3 at 2am, we will move our clocks back again by one hour.

     Daylight Saving Time was first enforced in the US during WWI, with the 1918 Standard Time Act. The purpose was to “better utilize resources”. Time changed for seven months of the year, and was discontinued at the end of WWI, though a few states chose to continue the practice.

     Daylight Saving Time was again imposed during WWII. This time it was in effect across the country all year, but was repealed again after the war was over.

     In 1966, Congress passed the Uniform Time Act, which set Daylight Saving Time across the US the last Sunday in April to the last Sunday in October.  This time has been adjusted through the years, but it remains that we set our clocks ahead one hour in the spring and back one hour in the fall.

     Today Arizona and Hawaii, as well as some American territories, choose to remain with Standard time because of the extreme heat in these areas. They do not feel the need of an extra hour of sunlight beating down on them. 

     What do you think about Daylight Saving Time? Should we change our time during the year to add an extra hour of sunlight?




    The true is I don't like that....

    And I really THINK THE BEST WAY is do every body understand about save electrical energy is necessary start in our home.
    We can see in American houses almost nobody try save light ; microwave, TV, radio, computer, DVD, etc. Be on all the time!

    Think that!

  2. I agrede with change. In summer the sun lies moreLate, and in winter, very early. In my country they tried but it didn't work.

  3. i think its good that we have daylight saving because the elc. saving we are pertecting the envirment.Hungary we too have daylight saving.


  4. I love longer days in summer. However, I don't like night when we need to move our clock one hour ahead - it is very hard to get up one hour earlier.

  5. It's always good tried to save energy or something also , but I think people need to be aware that changing a time it doesn't do much , we need to put little more esfort for the best of our planet.(no just our country ) .

  6. I like that they change time. But my kinds have hard time adjusting.

  7. Day light cause us to lose sleep, work and time to eat. This may also cause confusion in our schedules because the sun is now rising an hour late or an
    hour early. The change between the suntset and bedtime hour affect aur sleep
    and make us groggy,dizzy and grumpy.
    It take us time to adjust to the situation. Furthermore, we have to reset the clock and alarms as well as readjust our physiological clock.
    When will we be able to stop adjusting the clock? All of this adjusting causes
    a perfect disorder and unnesesary unbalance. Sincerily Ruth.

  8. Thank you everyone for your comments! :-)
