Friday, February 22, 2013

Let it Snow!

Photo from MS Image Gallery

     Yesterday, Missouri received a substantial quantity of snow and ice. While the southern half received rain and ice, the northern half received from 8 to 20 inches of snow. Many snowbound schools and businesses are still closed today. 

     So, what does a person do on these snow days? 

     Many people will go snowboarding or skiing (yes, Missouri really does have a few places to ski). 

     Usually they will stay at home or close to their neighborhood on these days. A favorite thing for some children to do is to make a snowman, like the one pictured below.

Snowman. Photo from MS image gallery
   Kids and adults often like to have snowball fights. The battle consists of rolling snow into balls and throwing them at the other side. Often snow-forts are built as part of the game.

Snow-fort. Photo from Google Images
     Sledding is also popular on snow days. If you live in an area with hills, then you might have done this as a child or with your children. There are many different kinds of sleds made from wood, plastic or metal. My favorite was a round metal sled my father bought when I was very young. 

Sledding. Photo from Google Images
      Some people like to make snow sculptures, like the dragon you see below. Very creative and detailed sculpture can often be found in yards or parks after a good snow.

Snow Sculpture. Image from Google Images
     How did you and your children spend your snow days?  Let me know with a quick comment below.


  1. This past Thursday and Friday we stayed home most of the day since our little girl was sick. Usually my children like to play with snow allot.

    1. I'm sorry they're feeling bad! I hope they get better over the weekend... :-(

  2. Yeah...I stayed home relaxing....I was afraid to walk outside because was dangerous ....

    1. I did too. It was a good day for hot tea and a good book... :-)

  3. Hellow. I'm Ruth.
    I like to see swow falling and making snowmen.Also, I like to play and throw
    snowballs at each others.It's wonderfull...But last thursday the weather was
    so nasty, we had a hailstorm and snowstorm. The day was foggy, windy and with
    lightning, after that the road were covered with ice. For that reason I prefer
    to spend my day resting and keeping my self warm in my house and drinking Colombian coffee and watching this nasty weather through the window,is a good way to take the day lightly.

    1. Thank you, Ruth. I agree. I did much the same at my house Thursday... Good job! :-)

  4. I prefer warmer weather, I could live in warm places such as southern California or Florida without snow at all. But I know that my children love snow, so it is good that we have some here.

  5. It was nice to see the snow, but I'm not craze about, I hate to drive on it , so I stayed home
