Friday, February 15, 2013

President's Day

Mount Rushmore

     Monday, February 18th, is Presidents' Day. This day is a federal bank holiday that honors America's presidents, past and present. Banks and government offices will be closed on Presidents' Day, as will libraries and most schools. Some places will celebrate with parades, and many of the stores will have Presidents' Day sales. Otherwise there is not much fanfare on this day.

     Presidents' day began as a celebration of George Washington's birthday (February 22). It had been unofficially observed since 1800, and was signed into law in 1879 by President Rutherford B. Hayes

    In 1971 President Richard Nixon signed the Uniform Monday Holiday Act into law. This was an effort to move several holidays to Monday, giving America's workers more three-day weekends. 

     This new law changed Washington's birthday to Presidents' day, and moved the holiday to the third Monday of February. 

How will you spend Presidents' day this year?


  1. Ruth
    Yip.pee!... Yup.pie!.. It's a nice holiday for federal employees or some companys workers that
    have it benefit. The President's day I would
    prefer go to the mall. Yip.pee!... Yup.pie...!
    Let go.

  2. Those sales at the mall can be fun! Thank you for posting Ruth. :-)

  3. I like President's Day because people have longer weekends.On this President's Day I go to mall or store and by few things for our house.Happy weekend:)

  4. Ildiko
    I think it is a nice day to recpect are Presidents, in Hungary we don't have it and it's nice to have it in America. A lot a people can sleep, shop and have a day of rest.

  5. It's interesting that the US has a special holiday to honor their Presidents. I think this holiday is a good opportunity to talk about American's history and learn something more than just new vocabulary.

    1. You're absolutely right, Agnes. Thank you for your post. :-)

  6. I'm glad for the President s past and present to be honored, and I think it is just American s who's thas it in Mexico we don't have President s Day .
    Happy President s Day !!!

  7. Yes...Brasil don't have president day..... I think is a good day for learn about North american President History ...

  8. This is norma.I am confused, history speaks of only one president George Washington. I think people only like that day for a long weekend an sales

  9. The stores seem to use only Lincoln and Washington in their sales advertisements for this weekend, but we have had a total of 44 presidents. You are right, people seem to be more interested in the long weekend and the shopping... :-)

  10. It's very interesting to know the history about the USA presidents, I enjoyed the day with my family.

  11. Thank you Illiana. Good job... :-)
